Order: 07825 741493

Our Story
The Real Pig Company Finds A New Home
In 2013 when I told my partner Adrian, that I wanted to start rearing rare breed pigs, I never envisioned how far we would come...
Not only has our family grown, with the arrival of Patrick and Douglas, we were given the opportunity to farm some more land near where we had started the Real Pig Company - an opportunity we couldn't resist.
This exciting new venture, has given us the opportunity to expand our enterprise and start a brand new chapter...
One that heralds the arrival of a small flock of native Devon sheep and, a family of ISA brown and Leghorn chickens all living as nature intended - free to roam.
Today, Snow Park Farm & The Real Pig Company is a true family affair with me Sonia, my husband Adrian, my sons, Edward and Harry helped of course by both Patrick and Douglas and, not forgetting my dad, who is my one true inspiration.
From Our Family To Yours...

"Everything we rear is founded on our belief that
good food takes time to produce...
And that is why animal welfare is at the heart of everything we do"
- Sonia & Adrian